Restorative Nightly Routine

Hello beautiful readers,

I know its been a long time since I posted here, but you know, life gets in the way of things. Its not an excuse, its just the way it is.

I started this blog as a channel to de-stress and put my endless thoughts and epiphanies out to the world, but I often felt the need to constantly post something so that I could keep it alive.

I have come to a happy realization that it is just not a sustainable way to produce quality posts and it completely defeats the purpose on why I do this.

So from now on, I will put up a post when I find that it truly resonates with me and my sentiments, it holds valuable content that I can be happy with and most importantly- when it makes me feel liberated.

I want to share something that has made me okay with this calming state of mind.

Human beings love routines. Our bodies respond really well to them so it is important that you create one that works for you.

My nightly routine is my way of winding down and I want to savour every second of it. Its ME time and I try to make time for things that would restore me and get me in a productive head space for an eventful morning.

1.Soothing Ambience

When I get home, the house needs to feel like my sanctuary. So I light up one of my favourite glasshouse candles which instantly makes the place smell like caramel. Its the ultimate mood booster.

In the evenings, I dial down on the loud noises/upbeat music and instead, play this soothing playlist called ' Evening Acoustic' on Spotify. It is such a beautiful collection and totally gets my mind calm and restored.

2. Do at least one thing you have been procrastinating

The place just doesn't seem restorative enough if I have pile of dishes in the sink or if I have a big load of laundry to do. I tend to check one thing off each day which I dont particuarly enjoy doing, but it makes me feel on top of things if I get it done. Folding Laundry and tidying up the kitchen are probably the big ones that I pick most nights. Make sure you pick a task that wont take more than 30 mins to do otherwise it can start to become more draining.

3. Meal & Outfit prep

Pack your lunch and get your breakfast ready to go the night before. It makes the morning process much less frantic. I prepare these smoothie bags every Sunday night ready for the whole week so all I need to go is throw it it the blender and breakfast is sorted. 

I also get my outfit ready for the next day which saves me endless amount of trials and the depressing pile of try-on clothes that I would have to eventually clean up.

The prepping habit saves me at-least 30 minutes every morning.

4. Journal- be thankful

I must admit, I do not do this every night. However, I make it a point to especially journal when I am feeling overwhelmed or cant seem to collect my thoughts.

It completely calms all the noise in your head and puts it all on paper so it no longer takes up your brain space. It reminds you that everything is going to be okay and you can deal with it no matter what.

On days when I don't feel like journaling for long, I take 5 minutes to write 3 things I am thankful for in my gratitude journal and end my night with a warm, positive feeling!

5.  Develop a Skin care routine

Just like you heal your body by resting, your skin restores itself at night. It is so important to develop a healthy and nourishing P.M skin care routine as your skin will absorb all the goodness while you rest.

Some tips to get you started :
  • Always take off all make up
  • Rose hip/Antioxidant oil is the ultimate winner 
  • Face masks once or twice a week won't hurt anyone ;)
Let me know if you would like a detailed on post on this one!

6. More Reading, Less TV

I know how fun binge watching TV shows can be, I have been there and have regretted that. Don't get me wrong,  I do love to watch TV but I have started limiting it only while I eat. I used to finish my meal and sit there for at least an hour binging, but now, as soon as I am done, I switch off, even if I am only half way through the episode- not like its gonna go anywhere right? 

Instead, I spend that extra hour tidying up and get to my room early, so I can allocate 30 mins every night to read a good book while sipping my caffeine-free tea. Its the perfect way to wind down.

While we are on the topic of books, I want to mention- "Big Magic" by Elizabeth Gilbert. This book really inspired me to write this post, because this book truly teaches people to CREATE! Just create anything that makes you happy, no matter what. I resonate with this message on so many levels.

7. Hold your loved ones and go to bed.

Its always important to remember how lucky we are that we have the luxury to be close to the people we love and we must never take this luxury for granted. Life is short and circumstances change so why not appreciate our loved ones while we can and savor these moments.

For me, giving endless cuddles to my little guy and holding my husband just gives me the best night sleep. I don't think I would sleep this well even if I am on the comfiest bed in the world if I was away from these two.

Quick Tip- Try putting a few drops of Lavender essential oil on your wrists and forehead before you sleep; you can thank me later.

I do have plans of putting together a morning rituals post so let me know if that is  something you would like to see :)

Hope this inspires you to create an evening routine of your own that will restore you and get you ready to conquer the world. Good night and God speed!

Luck & Love,

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