I want to share my skincare routine, some might think it's not that simple, it has a few steps- the important ones. But by simple, I mean minimalistic products.
Cleanse: QV Gentle wash

My skin is normalish to dry at the moment so this works best for me, but if you have oily skin, I highly recommend Cetaphil Gentle/Cetaphil Oily skin Cleanser. I have had super oily skin in the past and it worked great. Follow that up with a gentle oil free moisturiser
Moisturise: 1-2 drops of Rosehip oil + Aveeno daily moisturising lotion
Cleanse: QV Gentle wash
Tone( If I am not lazy) : Diluted apple cider vinegar ( 1/2 cup diluted in 1 1/2 cup water)
Moisturise: 1-2 drops of Rosehip oil + Aveeno daily moisturising lotion
Once a week for exfoliation: Oil cleansing method
I don't use any scrubs out there, because I am bit paranoid and I think they might end up damaging my skin. I use the oil cleanse method, which I came across a while back. I have been doing this for quite some time now and I am very happy with the results. I find this more effective,cheap and minimalistic then any other exfoliants.
Basically, I mix 1 tsp castor oil and 2 tsp coconut oil(can be substituted with olive oil)l and I massage this mixture all over my face for a couple of minutes. Then I take a small towel, dip it in hot water and place it over my face. I leave that on for about 30 seconds and then gently wipe my face off with it. If you find too much oil residue, you can repeat the towel step. I usually like to have a little bit of oil left, so I don't need to moisturise after. It leaves my skin feeling super soft and supple. It gets rid of dead skin with with gentle exfoliation. The castor oil draws out all the impurities and the coconut oil nourishes the skin. I highly recommend it.
Basically, I mix 1 tsp castor oil and 2 tsp coconut oil(can be substituted with olive oil)l and I massage this mixture all over my face for a couple of minutes. Then I take a small towel, dip it in hot water and place it over my face. I leave that on for about 30 seconds and then gently wipe my face off with it. If you find too much oil residue, you can repeat the towel step. I usually like to have a little bit of oil left, so I don't need to moisturise after. It leaves my skin feeling super soft and supple. It gets rid of dead skin with with gentle exfoliation. The castor oil draws out all the impurities and the coconut oil nourishes the skin. I highly recommend it.
Some final tips:
- Try not to wash your face more than twice a day because that might end up drying out your skin.
- Don't use any hard exfoliants because that can cause permanent damage to the skin tissue.
- Try not to experiment too much with different products, it can do more harm than good.
- Proper Skin care does not have to be expensive.
- Stress and improper diet can also irritate the skin, so try to eat well and stay calm :)
- Lastly, all of these products work tremendously for me, but they might not do the same for you. Understand this and read the signs your skin shows. If something does not suit you, discontinue immediately.
Let me know if you try any of this and hope it works just as well for you as it does for me.
Luck and Love,
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